Hyangmok Baik
At 3pm on 21 Apr 1990, i was born at a small hospital in Seoul with some unknown babies who were too young to even say hi. My grandpa was a premature baby and my father too. Apparently, being impatient is hereditary and i was a premature baby as well. My incubator-mates and I ate our parents’ heart out for some days.
There were many big issues in 1990 all over the world (like my birth) which I couldn’t even hear and see back then. Unfortunately the world focused on the Unification of Germany, not the moment of my birth. In fact, it stands to reason because the long boring Cold war was over. But i just wonder... there were much more important things. Spring, 1990, like the birth of mine.
My works start with people and daily life around us. From casual conversation to people around us (whoever familiar or strange), It seems like cloudy and gray like a dream but it's expressed very clearly. All the elements in my work were newly mixed and arranged through my imagination to make one story. In the very middle of it, A person is in there.
Simply drawn by line, partially painted or erased He or she or it is myself or portrait of a modern person at the same time. It means It is a character from a dream. Some times we could remember the charcters in our dreams clearly, but most of the times, we couldn't remember them clearly. So that I drew and erased partially to make them unclear, like a dream. Inner emptiness as simple outline, Dreamy state which can't be recognized this is dream or reality as red nose. We are losing our face expressions these days, I wanted to tell you this as the person with no lips.
I personally want you to feel you just had a dream through my works. A strange dream, definitely strange but feeling familiar from deep into your memory.
Born in South Korea, Hyangmok’s bright colour schemes and flat perspective on a heavily worked impasto canvas, are a breath of fresh air. Whimsically in a world of weirdness but grounded in a sense of personal reality, he creates surrealist scenes that confuse an audience. But I leave with a smile on my face, perhaps this is his dark humour creeping through.
A man of few words it seems, almost as if he doesn’t want to give too much away, that his work speaks for itself. Or perhaps one is simply meant to speak their own truth alongside it, and take from it what they see.
For me, it’s a true beauty found in the dichotomy between the dark tones and a surrealist sense of dream theory that evokes emotion.
Take a read of our interview together below.
Hyangmok’s first exhibition to an audience outside
of his native South Korea will be shown at the
BEERS London gallery in July 2021.
Be sure to go check it out.
[OM] Hi Hyangmok, How’re you doing today?
[HB] I’m doing fine, thank you. Nothing special, i’ve just been working and working.
Where about’s are you, answering these questions?
I’m answering these questions lying on the floor of my studio.
How long have you been an artist for?
Technically from 2016 when i had my first solo exhibition.
How has the pandemic changed the way you work?
Basically, i’m working lonely. These days, pandemic gives me more loneliness and it helps me in some way.
What inspires you?
Everything alive also everything breathless.
Do you ever collaborate with people?
Not yet, so far.
If you could collaborate with anyone dead or alive who would it be?
George Condo.
what are you working on at the moment?
Full of birds on a Canvas.
How was covid in Korea?
Everything goes up and down. But it’s not so good at the moment.
If you could change one thing about the art world what would it be?
I want art itself to be more easily enjoyed by anyone in the world, not changed by me.
If you could give someone one piece of advice at the beginning of their career, what would you say to them?
If something pops up into your mind, go get your brush now. Someone in somewhere is curious about your story definitely.
Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years time?
Probably lying on the floor of the studio like today? But I wish it was Waikiki, not Seoul
Is there somebody/friend or artist that inspires you in particular?
My mom
Who/what is your greatest source of inspiration?
Everything alive, also everything breathless.
Which city best suits the soul of your artworks?
Is there a source of inspiration that you continue to go back to?
Everyone who has curious of my story.
What is your favourite painting/work of art you have ever done?
Really can’t pick only one piece, sorry.
Who inspires you? Designer or friends etc..
The very origin, the beginning of my life, My mother.
So lovely to talk to you today, anything else planned fo the day?
It’s already 11PM here in Korea. I gotta go to bed soon. Also I have a plan to have a solo exhibition in Beerslondon on July, if you are curious about it, keep your eyes on it! Promise you, It would be really fun!